Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Woe is to the Home

I’ve been having this dream
In the bathroom where I’m shaving
And leaning over the sink
Running water over my face with my hands
When I look into the porcelain bowl, I see it running red
I watch the smile on my throat pour in the mirror

Around me the walls try to speak with temperature
All frosted and yeasted with cold
My impatience with them crashes the car
Because I couldn’t see out of the windshield.

Come and sit at our abundant table
Make merry and fill your mug to the brim
Of hot and unfiltered bile
Blood, and brandy from France
I offer only because I know
I know about the smooth black stones hidden under your eyes
Fairy’s eggs
That hatch when warmed in the palm for a whole day
So long as the weather is beautiful.

Let’s all just quietly acknowledge the deep-freeze
Frothing from beyond the old looking glass
Bolted from the outside.
The desperate panicked search
Looking for something else
To soften that sadistic urge
To fill up dreams and empty lives
To harvest.

Every beating heart, a lonesome hunter scrawling a page
What was written had to become real
Facts and fictions and the blurbs in-between
About apes and the men
And how their thrashing was the same
About insecurity and pride
A book that fills 20 pounds of flesh
A hungry funeral pyre begging
For blood and milk
Crystalizing against the earth
Like tears in the eyes of the dead.

Spot the possibility
In burning farmer’s fields
That seasonal cleansing
A graveyard of corn.
When the wind whips your face for a hundred years
And the canyons in your skin
Erode wide
Timeless snows fill your poor mouth
Your teeth turn brittle
Your nerves turn gummy and sensationless
And all that nausea will disappear
But it will cost, you.

So what is the value of your arms?
Your face, your sinews
What will they make out of you?
I think I hope to be a tree
And wave for centuries in the breeze
So that perhaps a child could lie in my shade
And enjoy a plum,
But with my luck and what I deserve
The burden of gravel
The lot of stones
Buried under the street
The petty Atlas of the road
My shoulders too small
For anything but the ants.

It’s their shiny carapace
That brings us down to Earth
And whispers garbled apologies into the wind
Its blackmail only complete
When the rain blurs the dirt.

Know that they’ll never find me again
And no one will worry
Not even me
I’ll be sure to leave a lookalike
To feed your hopes and replicate mine
Ghosts aren’t as naïve as you’d think
For they have built entire empires
And toppled others
Their rhythms haunt us.

It’s all about mark-making and branding
Style and memory
The art of dealing with the fear of tomorrow
Is a day-trip to long-dead Pangea
And leaving some of your decency behind.

It’s my dreams you see
Where I can never stop shaving
Until bone replaces skin
And the sink is so full and clogged
The red falls to the floor
And pools there.

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All works by Daniel Kushnir is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.